What Is An IP Address | Internet Protocol

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  Category:  NETWORKING | 28th September 2021, Tuesday

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IP Stance For Internet Protocol Is A Build Single Logical Network From Multiple Physical Networks. In Other Words, IP Exist In Network Layer Shields The Higher Levels From The Typical Network Architecture Below It. Thus, Internet Protocol (IP) Is The Most Significant Protocol. The Higher Layers See Merely A One Virtual Or Logical Network And They Need Not Be Aware Of Where Exactly The Physical Network Resides, Its Architecture And So On.

As Far As, Higher Layers Are Concerned, Each Host On The Internet Is A System With A Unique IP (Internet Protocol) Address. This Interconnection Of Physical Networks Into A Single Virtual Of Logical Network Is The Source Of The Name: Internet. The Term Internet (with Capital I) Is Used To Describe The Global Network Of Interconnected Networks That Runs On TCP/IP Suite Of Protocol To Which Anyone Can Connect The Network Or Host As Long As He Follows The TCP/IP Standard And Follows The Guidelines Of Internet Authority.

IP Is Not Only The Core Of Network Layer But Also Most Important Protocol In The TCP/IP Model. Each System On The Internet Is Recognized By A Unique IP Address. IP Hides The Underlying Network Hardware From The Network Applications.

Though IP Is Core Of The Network Layer, For The Network Layer Services As Mentioned Earlier To Be Implemented, There Would Be Need To Send And Receive The IP Datagram Itself! Definitely It Is Not A Good Design To Have These Modules, Which Send As Well As Receives The IP Datagram Within The IP Itself.

Apart From Providing A Virtual Network Service (VNS) To The Upper Layers, It Is The IP Layer Which Transports The Datagram Packet From Source To Destination System Across Several Physical Networks, It Is The Lowest Level Protocol Which Provides The Host-to-host Datagram Delivery Mechanism. The Layers Below This Only Deliver The Datagram Within A Single Physical Network.

It Is An Unreliable As Well As Connectionless Datagram Protocol – A Best Effort Delivery Service. The Term Best-effort Means That IP Provides No Error Checking Or Tracking. IP Assumes The Unreliability Of The Underlying Layers And Does Its Best To Get A Transmission Through To Its Destination, But With No Guarantees.

IP Assumes That Upper Layer Protocols Will Take Care Of Reliability Issues If They Need. In Fact TCP Protocol At The Transport Layer Provides The Reliability And Connection Oriented Service To The Application Layer. The Issue Of Reliability Is Not Covered In The IP Layer As It Was Designed With The Efficiency In Mind And Some Of The Applications Do Not Need The Reliability And For Them Efficiency Is Crucial.

IP Is Also A Connectionless Protocol Designed For Packet Switched Network Which Uses The Datagram Approach. This Means That Each Datagram Is Handled Independently And Each Datagram Cam Take An Independent Route To Reach The Destination. This Means That When A Message Is Split Into Many Datagrams And Sent By A Source Each Datagram Would Take Independent Route To Reach Destination And Eventually They May Arrive Out Of Order, Some Of Them Could Be Corrupted Or Lost.

Ip Address, Whats Is Ip Address, Internet Protocol

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